Transformer various issues


Although the transformer small but perfectly formed. To acquire knowledge of transformer design, technology, testing, manufacturing, production management is not an easy task, the following questions no one can answer some questions as brilliant, but to one person will answer all the questions the whole is very difficult to find such a talent, there is nothing difficult man who will try, as long as the efforts have not not do.

1 Power Problems

Transformer large free electronic transformers and power transformers, press power to 3000 watts or more points can be considered as a power transformer, but also that more than 50 kilowatts of power transformers

2 Frequency problem

A high-frequency and frequency of the points, the frequency is 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400 Hz (for mobile devices and aerospace, aviation, ship, naval equipment), 2000 Hz (for heat treatment equipment), high frequency variety, Most use ferrite core, there are no high-frequency transformer core

3 core issues

The core is divided into two categories, the core and the core, the core material properties of silicon steel core and sub-core precision alloy, precision alloy core need some boxed up, but why not use a box full of metal.

Why use silicon steel core material silicon steel, silicon steel alignment, non-oriented, cold-rolled, hot-rolled (now rarely used in transformer production), they have different.

EI-type silicon steel core types are, FF type, R-type, O type (ring and O-type), hole-type, C-type, etc., why there are so many types of core, with one not?

Core processing methods are: Punch (monolith, scrap) winding, winding cutting and other;

Useful punching laminations speed presses Punch (more than 400 beats per minute) and a monolithic red, why they are different punching die, why speed punch punching laminations have within the tab, the tab outside, the blade, lower Blade of the points, all in all, a closer look at the core pieces. Their direction is different glitch. The same core material different from the same direction of the burr performance processing method is different.

Laminations as well as black and white film with a sheet of difference. Black and white film after film is heat-treated with ammonia gas to the surface black, why not sell the white sheet. After the black film processing core pieces can fully recover magnetic materials and energy?

Core winding material: full strip, first cut and then wound into a wavy R type core.

Winding method with automatic winding (about two per minute), semi-automatic, manual winding several;

Why wound cut core cable cutting method of cutting, grinding wheel cutting, milling cutting, line cutting encounter core non-conductive insulating layer film how to do, grinding wheel hardness, thickness choose what is good; the kind of cutting method is best?

Core performance: different specifications of its core magnetization curve of iron loss is consistent with the materials, how much the width of the main magnetic laminations its magnetization curve and the iron loss can be consistent with the raw material, the raw material for the core performance is DC magnetization properties and you AC magnetic performance requirements, how do you know, what kind of DC magnetization consistent performance and exchange magnetization properties.

Different batches of EI sheet Why not recommend Why you mix, EI film production will fall sheet

Laminations raw plant prescribed thickness tolerances within ± 0.02mm range of qualified, and laminations as long as I slice a small piece than E

0.005mm thickness difference occurs buzz

0.010mm thickness difference will be out of touch tablets phenomenon

That is a difference of 0.015mm thickness sheet will fall phenomenon

Such a small tolerances manufacturer can be produced? Do not worry a bit, the same roll material can basically meet the above requirements.

Standard Chinese type EI laminations you know?

Domestic standards have

a. XEI type SJ97-65 (XE, XI, E)

Here are some small transformer core.

b. KEI type SJ98-65 (including KEB, KIB, KE, KI)

This standard comes from the former Soviet Ministry of Radio Industry Standard HO666.002. Is a wide window core, and the core window width equal to the width of the core columns.

c. GEI type SJ99-65 (including GE, GI, GEC, GIC, GEB, GIB)

This standard comes from the former Soviet Ministry of Radio Industry Standard HO666.005. Is no scrap core, I slice core is twice the size of the core window

d. YEI type GB 11441-89 (including YEI, YE, YED, YEE, YEF)

Such core although with the international standard IEC 740 universal, but the domestic use of such laminations little.

e. EI (including EIB) laminations

EI laminations number of domestic and foreign non-standard, but the scope of the use of very broad, in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan are using this specification laminations. There is no uniform standard, but it can produce a unified specification laminations, which shows its vitality.

GEI type laminations What are the characteristics

This is no scrap core (including GE, GI, GEC, GIC, GEB, GIB), whose dimensions are from the former Soviet Ministry of Radio Industry Standard HO666.005 adapted from. It is a low-cost core.

KEI type laminations What are the characteristics

The series (including KEB, KIB, KE, KI), a standard from the former Soviet Ministry of Radio Industry Standard HO666.002, through adapted from the window is wide core, and the core width of the window width is equal to the core columns. Waste can also be made non-core punch, punch when manual feeding to a positive and negative, or great effort from top to bottom in the mold. Window larger, the same size of the transformer, power is larger, low weight core, for mobile devices, such as cars, boats.

XEI type laminations What are the characteristics

The series (including YEI, YE, YED, YEE, YEF) suitable for household appliances small power low-frequency transformers and choke ring. Such small core size, core tablets without fixing hole.

What are the characteristics YEI laminations

The series (including YEI, YE, YED, YEE, YEF). May refer to the German standard DIN 41302 part1

YEI can be no waste, low-cost core punching

YEX2 small size squares, for mounting on a printed circuit board transformer

YED2 small size core for use of precision alloy, or a small inductor magnetic moment of the material.

YEX3 wide window area. Power transformers for mobile devices and high-voltage transformer,

YEE4, YEF4 small size square, for mounting on a printed circuit board transformer. Laminations for less than YEX2 mounting area of the occasion. As veneer transformer.

How to test the flatness of core requirements is the number?

Core sub-core and core iron heart is out by high-temperature sintering, iron heart is out by a hydraulic pressing machine, Mn-Zn ferrite core material with a nickel-zinc ferrite their Curie temperature are different.

4 wire

Coiled wire points and lead wire (including lug, pins, plugs and sockets)

Different grades of wire heat at different temperatures, different brands of the same heat-resistant temperature wire (such as QQ, QA, QZ)

What's the difference in the use of each used in any occasion.

Different pinout different authentication.

Those wires around the law, tightly wound flat, irregular around the law, heap around (first and second turns around together, the third turn around in the first and second intermediate) What are the characteristics, use in any occasion .

5 Insulation material

Insulation material for transformers with a thin belt, pressed skeleton (plastic heart), an insulating material of the housing, the insulating material is impregnated with perfusion, why some skeletal strength is poor, suppress skeleton insulating material allows the percentage of recycled material is added to the number how to test. Why the same appearance of the adapter housing and some manufacturers will be deformed shell. Why after some transformer transformer impregnated surface rust, after impregnating the transformer load current perfusion what happens.

6 test problems

Transformer measuring instruments have, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, galvanic type, rectifier, digital -------. Their test results under what circumstances are the same, the test results will be different under what circumstances.

There are live test and temperature test uncharged test, how to make up an uncharged test defects.

7 authentication issues

UL, ISO, the Great Wall certification can replace each different from each other.

These are just some of the problems start a discussion and transformer knowledge of the issues involved far more than that.

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